FIFTH BRIEF: Flawed Hypothesis of Hubble’s Law

The definition of velocity as a differential and its relationship to the Doppler Effect is the key to a mathematical fallacy that led to Hubble’s Law and the incorrect premise of the Big Bang Theory.

When Edwin Hubble discovered galaxies he didn’t know what they were, so he performed a “spectrum analysis.” He found a galaxy’s spectral lines indicated a hydrogen light source, which is reasonable since hydrogen is the most abundant light source in the Universe. However, there was a bit of a problem. The spectral lines were shifted a little toward the red end of the visible spectrum. That is, the wavelengths were ever so slightly elongated. This wavelength elongation of course is known as the “red shift” of light emitted from distant celestial bodies.

The cause of this wavelength elongation (red-shift) was assumed to be the Doppler Effect (or Doppler Shift).  In short, this is the phenomenon that light wavelengths will elongate relative to an observer, if the light source is moving away from the observer.  Hubble called this assumed outward motion the “recession velocity” of the galaxy.  Further observations of more galaxies showed the red shift is the norm in all directions, so the Universe appears to be expanding (blowing up like a big balloon).

Now, it’s not an unreasonable assumption that the elongation of light wavelength (red shift) is the Doppler Effect that in turn is caused by recession velocity.  However, it was the next two discoveries by Hubble that should have indicated a flaw in this assumption.

First, Hubble found that this wavelength elongation (Doppler Effect) is directly proportional to distance.  That is, the farther away a galaxy, the greater the Doppler Effect. 

Unfortunately, Hubble (along with the entire scientific community) failed to realize this doesn’t make sense. The Doppler Effect is proportional to speed, but is not proportional to linear distance. 

Secondly, after further study of more galaxies, Hubble found that the ratio of a galaxy’s recession velocity to its distance appears to be a constant.  Mathematically it looks like this: v = HoD (Hubble’s Law)Where v is the recession velocity of a galaxy, Ho is the Hubble Constant and D is the distance to the galaxy. 

Only problem is Hubble’s Law doesn’t make sense either. You cannot derive velocity (or acceleration) by multiplying a constant by a static distance. A static distance is a scalar, and velocity is a vector. Velocity is a ratio of two differentials (a change in length with respect to a change in time). Any physicist should know that there is no mathematical relationship between a moving object’s static distance (at an instant of time) and its velocity. This is a prime example of a violation of Scientific Method with an “invented equation” that is forced to fit an erroneous empirical definition.

So how can this be? How can the recession velocity of a galaxy be proportional to the galaxy’s distance? How can the Doppler Effect vary with respect to distance?

The answer? The cause of the red shift is not the Doppler Effect. The red shift is caused by the variance or skew of the nonlinear space continuum.

So here again, over 60 years ago Einstein got it right (and the scientific community still doesn’t get it).

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