FIRST BRIEF: The Non-Symmetric Field Theory

Einstein’s last and most paramount theoretical work (even exceeding the Relativities) was The Relativistic Theory of the Non-Symmetric Field (or the nonlinear field theory) published in 1956, the year following his death. The most perceptive portion of this theory is in the last four paragraphs simply titled “General Remarks.” Here Einstein expressed the things he alleged to be true but hadn’t been able to prove. Only problem is, since Einstein passed away before his nonlinear field theory was published, he wasn’t able to adjudicate the basis of the theory, and thus no one has been paying attention to it.

Most importantly, Einstein’s nonlinear field theory supersedes his previous work in General Relativity. In a “closed” nonlinear continuum, there is no need for either a cosmological constant or the perception of an expanding Universe. Also, with exponential variance of the space continuum, the notions of dark matter and dark energy become moot. It appears to me that present scientific discipline continues to abide to an archaic purview that Einstein considered obsolete. That means Einstein was ahead of his time by over 60 years at this point, and every day that goes by we get farther behind.

I hate to admit it, but one of my most favorite mottos came from television (the Science Channel) as follows: “Question Everything”

That to me is the very definition of “open minded.” Unfortunately it doesn’t seem to be very relevant in academics today, including theoretical physics. Not too long ago, for example, most scientists questioned the validity of the Big Bang Theory. Now days if you question it, you best keep quiet, because the physics community will immediately brand you a crackpot. Is that understandable? (Or have we failed to progress since the suppression of the Copernican heliocentric solar system and the inquisition of Galileo? Evidently, history goes on repeating itself, “the players change, but the game is the same.”)

In truth any physicist should know that you can’t multiply a static distance by a constant to derive velocity (Hubble’s Law) or to derive acceleration (current cosmological theory). Any physicist should also know that the Doppler Shift varies relative to speed but does not vary relative to linear distance. 

Is there a different cause of the red shift that has been ignored for over 60 years? Is there a nonlinear skew to the space continuum itself that causes the red shift (light wavelength elongation that varies relative to distance), rather than a recession velocity?

Could it be that the very premise of the Big Bang Theory doesn’t make sense, but the nonlinear field theory does? 

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